None of my music seems to suit my mood...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010 | | 3 comments

...Because I'm actually happy with life at the moment!

I know, it sounds odd right, but it's true. The kid who has had shit going wrong with his life for the past two years or so is finally happy with what's going down (touch wood [thatswhatshesaid]).

My social life is good, I'm loving my friends more then ever and, despite one subject, I am actually enjoying school which is something that I doubt many people in my position would be saying. I have this feeling that it's kind of all due to one event/one person who I don't really want to be too explicit about but I'm pretty sure all my frequent readers/anyone who knows me will know about anyways.

This one person somewhat started a chain reaction of good in me, I mean, I'm still a bit of a dick to like everyone, but right now I feel like I'd much rather not be because I actually enjoy this whole feeling good thing and I'd hate for karma to be a mad doucher and take it all away from me.

Anyways I guess that's it for this one, hopefully I will be posting more ones like this in the near future.


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Well I'm just a guy who hate a lot of things and a lot of people, that's what all this will probably be about. Hope you all enjoy 8D