People suck because (No. 1)

Saturday, October 31, 2009 | |

The close themselves off to absolutely amazing things because they are considered to be "uncool" or "nerdy".

Today I watched the new Star Trek movie on DVD, which came out on Thursday, and it reminded me of how many people didn't actually see it purely based on the fact that it's name was "Star Trek" while everyone flocked to Transformers 2. Star Trek shat all over that movie in almost every aspect. The action was better, the actors were better, the special effects were probably on the same level, it had a lot more humor and the story actually made sense. I suppose none of that matters when it's Star Trek.

I remember when I first heard about the movie coming out and I was fucking hyped as anything for it and I remember asking other people if they were going to see it and for most people, as you would expect, it went something like this:

Me -"Yo man so pumped for Star Trek movie, you gonna see it?"
Them - "Pfft, fuck not that shit's fucking lame"
Me - "Really? What makes you say that, have you seen the previews for it?" -(Might I remind you the trailers looked fucking amazing for this movie)
Them - "Yeah I have and they look fucking shit"
Me - "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
Them - "Fuck you, it's shit bro. It's Star Trek it's shit"

I suppose it's their loss though, they can stick with movies like "Tripple X", "Fast and Furious" and other pieces of shit like that. Pieces of shit who's directors spent far too much time developing ridiculous action scenes where a regular guy out runs an avalanche down a mountain. You can all have those movies, I'll stick with movies like "Watchmen", "American Psycho" and Bram Stokers "Dracula".

People all just suck this way I guess. And to all who read this, I give you the legendary words of Leonard Nemoy in his greatest character, Spock:

"Live long and prosper"


Anonymous said...

Hey Raknos!

I haven't seen Star Trek on the same reason many other have. My first viewing of anything Star Trek gave me the impression that it was just a Sci-Fi with a Sit-com set up, similar to Neighbors, Bold and the Beautiful, etc. In which i probably saw a part of a TV Series.

I will watch the Movie in due time, it's probably made for hardcore fans and new fans of the franchise.
Also, i agree completely with Transformers 2. I reckon it was shit, basically just computer generated effects and Megan Fox because she's "hot". And those fucking Westy American steroeotyped transformers annoyed the fuck out of me. Also, how does a transformer turn into a Human?

- Sean

RaknoS said...

Dude, It really isn't for hardcore Star Trek fans it is really accessible and doesn't require any knowledge of the older show or anything and it is anything but a sitcom the original show wasn't either just open your mind to it you know.

and yeah I don't really get the worlds fascination with Megan Fox, she looks like a porn star yeah but she has the same amount of acting talent as one too. Maybe they went with the Beast Wars principal when thinking up that character.

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Well I'm just a guy who hate a lot of things and a lot of people, that's what all this will probably be about. Hope you all enjoy 8D