To the people who are commenting my blogs in japanese script...
Robots Are Cool...
So I'm kind of copying Sean for this as it is a recap of the month but meh who cares, I'm sure he doesn't.
March... March, March, March. Brilliant month for me if I must say, I've found out a lot more about myself and I've also found myself very taken with an amazing young girl whom I will talk about more later.
I've totally gotten back into my old ways of many things and I think I'm a lot better for it as well. I'm totally loving just normal alternative/punk music like what I used to. Although I do still love the few heavier things on my play lists, I feel like I'm going to grow out of all of that metal stuff. Still on music news in my life, after Soundwave this year I think I've grown out of the whole "moshing" phenomenon that swept over me over the past two years. When I went and saw The Used I just stood and watched and enjoyed the actual music and the show they put on, kind of makes me sad thinking about how much I may have missed in the other concerts I've been to in the past.
Now this girl of mine, I've given her a few mentions in my blog before and they've all been quite positive. This one is no exception. After about a month of knowing feeling but not saying them and about a week and a half of awkwardness regarding the possible relationship between us, we finally got to it on the 27th of February this year. A month together with her seemed to pass so quickly because it was just so good. The days I spend with her just seem to be getting better and better. She likes my nerdy quirks and she likes StarWars and everything (although she also likes Fraiser but I can forgive it because of everything else). I'm really glad that I'm with her and I hope it lasts a lot longer because she's not just my girlfriend, she's one of my best friends.
Other highlights from the month of March would have to be Wrestlemania and the whole of WWE lately. Shawn Michael was amazing as always and will be sorely missed. Finishing my half yearly exams and being on holidays. That just kind of topped of a great month. And realizing that I have another month left to play Call Of Duty online, any guy would love to find that out, totally put a big smile on my face.
None of my music seems to suit my mood...
...Because I'm actually happy with life at the moment!
I know, it sounds odd right, but it's true. The kid who has had shit going wrong with his life for the past two years or so is finally happy with what's going down (touch wood [thatswhatshesaid]).
My social life is good, I'm loving my friends more then ever and, despite one subject, I am actually enjoying school which is something that I doubt many people in my position would be saying. I have this feeling that it's kind of all due to one event/one person who I don't really want to be too explicit about but I'm pretty sure all my frequent readers/anyone who knows me will know about anyways.
This one person somewhat started a chain reaction of good in me, I mean, I'm still a bit of a dick to like everyone, but right now I feel like I'd much rather not be because I actually enjoy this whole feeling good thing and I'd hate for karma to be a mad doucher and take it all away from me.
Anyways I guess that's it for this one, hopefully I will be posting more ones like this in the near future.
Thnks Fr Th Mmrs [Myspace]....
.... Even though they weren't so great. In fact they were horrible. Actually no, no Myspace. I don't want to thank you for the memories. Fuck You!
Everyone, it has been done, as of 11:20 pm, Sunday the 24th of January 2009, My Myspace is no longer in existence. My Myspace as well as some other people who I want to have no more dealings with.
My more experienced and older readers would know that I started out blogging on Myspace and that was due to some pretty fucking shithouse events in my life. I realised that Myspace was one of, if not the last thing to do with all of that that I have been holding onto and now it's gone. I am sick of being stuck in the past and I want to move on.
As I said before I also "deleted" some people from my life that I had been holding onto, despite hating myself for it. This was honestly one of the greatest feelings I've had in a long time and all I can hope for is to just forget about them, and if I happen to see them somewhere, try and restrain myself from even making contact with them, because I would just be back to square one if that happened.
*A shiny new donkey for the first person who tells me what the tittle is from and what it is*
We'll it seems like all over blogger people are starting off posts with "it's been so long since I blogged" so that makes me feel a bit better about me neglecting my readers like I have been doing, or at least I think I have been doing.
Some what of a link to my previous blog here, I think - I didn't actually look back and see - just in case I'll say it now, I'm pretty sure that during 2009 I learned a lot about myself and my flaws and such I want to work on them. I am just here to say that I am already failing on one of the major ones as I found myself making the exact same moves on the metaphorical chess board that is life - I'm not too sure how life is like chess but yeah you get it don't you? - anyways, I'm doing the same things that I always do even though I know they're just the complete opposite of what needs to be done.
This would be an easy fix if it were something I had more control over but, of course, the only control I have over this is an option that I wouldn't even consider as it would take people, who I care very dearly about, away from me. I know what y'all are thinking now, it's a mix of "it can't be that bad, I'm sure" or "Wow dude, you're fucked" and honestly, the latter of the two is the correct response. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to break this curse and that just fucking kills me, even if the people change over time, I will still get the same problem happening. I can only hope that once it actually goes well and all I wont fuck it up, knowing my luck I probably will though.
P.S - I haven't actually talked about this to anyone so none of you are really going to know about it unless you know me very well and have managed to pick it from what was given. I'll be fine with telling anyone who asks about it but just be sure it's over a more private medium.
Thank you all very much for reading.
There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet
2009... Big year for me I guess, did a lot of growing and soul-searching and whatever. I did make a few mistakes and I'm not afraid to admit to that, as long as I have learned from them, and I know I have. A few missed opportunities and more then a few things just didn't pan out as well as I would have hoped. Despite all of this, when I look at what I have now I am more then happy with it all.
A great diverse group of friends (long time readers would know how important that "diverse" is to me), a great family who, despite being not too well off, can manage to provide support each other (major props to possible the best sister in the world, even with all the crap I give her), and a much greater knowledge of myself which I will not forget any time soon.
Now comes possible the biggest year of my life so far with what is probably one of the most important things of my life (at least that's what people keep saying) the HSC exams. I'm really glad that I know what I want to do in my future, the kind of thing I will need for it and that it is attainable for me because I know this is a big problem for a lot of people come this time in their lives. All I need now is the determination to actually buckle down and do something that would help with schooling and such because so far I've mostly just been going off of talent and skill, I can only imagine the kind of levels I could reach if I actually put my head down to it.
Yeah okay, I suppose that's it for now, thank you all for reading my blogs of 2009.
Actually no, not it yet. I feel like I should give some mentions to some people who I hold dear to me, especially in the past year, who would like to guess the first one? It's pretty obvious really:
Michael James Tozer: I really don't know what the fuck I would do without you man, I wouldn't be as good of a person, I would never manage to have as much at fun at school without you, and I probably would've killed myself in PDHPE. I don't know how you manage to put up with all my shit though, I can only hope that this isn't the nicest thing I will say about/to you all year.
Jason Gibbs: I know you don't read these but I wish you did man, I fucking love you and despite the fact that I feel like we're sort of drifting apart I really don't want that to happen but it's kind of hard with the whole Alice Springs thing. Can't wait to see you in Feb for Soundwave.
Megan Lees: Ahh Megan, how would I stand waiting for the bus home without you. I swear you and I have gotten so close over the past year it truly amazes me. I'm closer with you then with most of the friends I've had for years and I hope that that doesn't change when I finish school and whatever at the end of this year.
There a more and to all of you I will give slightly less amazing shout outs so here goes: Michael Gurr, Blake Payne, Blake Johnson, Sean Lees, Emma Nicolls, Paul Cassimates, and last but certainly not least (take that anyway you want ;] ) The Bala-BAM!!! himself Berkan Balaban.
All you of you guys are the reason I survived through this past year and I hope you can get me through the next. Much love to all <3

- RaknoS
- Well I'm just a guy who hate a lot of things and a lot of people, that's what all this will probably be about. Hope you all enjoy 8D
My Blogs
Oh My - Hey guys, LONG TIME since i have been on Blogger, just letting anyone that still reads this blog to go to its my new s...14 years ago
15/03/2010 - 31/03/2010 - Lol, hi. I'm fairly sure delaying blogs on Blogger is a trend, and I've officially jumped on the bandwagon for sure. Because my mind is a little bit hazy an...14 years ago