Thnks Fr Th Mmrs [Myspace]....

Sunday, January 24, 2010 | |

.... Even though they weren't so great. In fact they were horrible. Actually no, no Myspace. I don't want to thank you for the memories. Fuck You!

Everyone, it has been done, as of 11:20 pm, Sunday the 24th of January 2009, My Myspace is no longer in existence. My Myspace as well as some other people who I want to have no more dealings with.

My more experienced and older readers would know that I started out blogging on Myspace and that was due to some pretty fucking shithouse events in my life. I realised that Myspace was one of, if not the last thing to do with all of that that I have been holding onto and now it's gone. I am sick of being stuck in the past and I want to move on.

As I said before I also "deleted" some people from my life that I had been holding onto, despite hating myself for it. This was honestly one of the greatest feelings I've had in a long time and all I can hope for is to just forget about them, and if I happen to see them somewhere, try and restrain myself from even making contact with them, because I would just be back to square one if that happened.


Angelina said...

aah! great congratulations on deleting your myspace!
and unnecessary people.
unnecessary people = unnecessay baggage.

and you're right. your blogs are pretty good.

Unknown said...

It's 2010 Anthony!!! =)

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Well I'm just a guy who hate a lot of things and a lot of people, that's what all this will probably be about. Hope you all enjoy 8D